Eldeco Udyan-1,Gate No-1,Lucknow
+91 9454374460

Chairman’s Message:

Our dedicated Staff at The Blooming Dales School dutifully enrich & shape little impressionable minds propelling them on a growth path by guiding them to aim for the sky in order to live a purposeful life which is imperative for our Nation to become a Developed Super Power.
We provide our growing children with “Roots to grow and Wings to Fly in a NEW INDIA”.
Gratitude to the Parents for reposing trust on us.


To provide a safe, secure, happy and nurturing child centric learning environment for every child’s social, emotional & physical growth with emphasis on life skills, languages & numeracy. We sensitize the children to be lifelong learners having moral values with a sense of responsibility towards the society and respect for the country

Our Vission

Our vision is to provide our chidren with “Roots to grow and wings to fly in a New India”.

Get In Touch

Eldeco Udyan-1, Gate No-1, Lucknow

+91 9454374460, +91 9811450170

+91 0522-4961541


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